Ivan Ivanov, SUNY Empire State College, U.S.A.
Title: The Impact of Emerging Computing Models on Organizational Socio-Technical System
Antonia Bertolino, Italian National Research Council - CNR, Italy
Title: Towards Ensuring Eternal Connectability
David Marca, University of Phoenix, U.S.A.
Title: Domain Modeling - A Lost Art?
Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Title: From Requirements to Code: A Full Model-Driven Development Perspective
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Ivan Ivanov SUNY Empire State College U.S.A. |
Brief Bio
Ivan I. Ivanov earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computing and Network Technologies from the Technical University at Sofia, Bulgaria.
He was a research fellow in leading universities in Great Britain, The Netherlands and France. He worked in joint European IT projects with partners from France, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Italy, and in cooperation with worldwide technology leaders to develop advanced technological infrastructure, information services, and professional training at educational establishments in Bulgaria. An active technology expert and educator for over 30 years, Ivanov has been researcher, program developer, lecturer, project manager, director and senior administrator in various academic institutions in Bulgaria.
As an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Information Systems at the State University of New York, Empire State College since 2003, he has worked with students from diverse area of studies in emerging technology topics that reflect their educational plans and career opportunities. The studies he teaches cluster in several areas: computer business applications; computer organization and architectures; data communications and networks, e-business technologies, information technology for management, management information systems, and project management. Since 2005, he is an organizer and sponsor for traditional Technology Workshops, annual forums for Empire State College students to build up researching, analytical, critical thinking and presentation skills; sharing best practice in technology topics as it relates to term projects and professional development to a select group of peers, IT experts, college alumni and faculties.
Consolidated Enterprise IT solutions have proven to enhance business efficiency when significant fractions of local computing activities are migrating away from desktop PCs and departmental servers and are being integrated and packaged on the Web into "the computing cloud". Whether referred to Grid, Utility or Cloud Computing, the idea is basically the same: instead of investing in and maintaining expensive applications and systems, users access and utilize dynamic computing structures to meet their fluctuating demands on IT resources efficiently and pay a fixed subscription or an actual usage fee. The immense economic demands in the last several years, in conjunction with the immediate reduction of upfront capital and operational costs when cloud-based services are employed, increase the speed and the scale of cloud computing adoption both horizontally - across industries -, and vertically - in organizations' technology stacks.
In actuality, the radical changes for organizations are in rethinking and reengineering their traditional IT resources, advancing them with cloud architectures and implementing services based on dynamic computing delivery models. The changes and business transformations are underway on a large scale, from providers and customers to vendors and developers. The key issues are not only in economics and management, but essentially how emerging IT models impact organizational structure, capabilities, business processes, and consequential opportunities. This talk will explore the impact of the dynamic computing models on the organizational socio-technical system and will provide the author's vision and experience in strategizing and utilizing emerging cloud-based applications and services.
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Antonia Bertolino Italian National Research Council - CNR Italy |
Brief Bio
Antonia Bertolino is a Research Director of the Italian National Research Council. She investigates approaches for rigorous and
practical model-based integration and system testing, and service-oriented test methodologies.
Currently she is involved in the FP7 European Projects TAS3, CONNECT and CHOReOS, and is the KA co-leader for Software Testing in the IEEE Guide to the SWEBOK.
She is the Program co-Chair of CBSE 2011 and of the ICSE workshop AST2011. She has been appointed Program Co-Chair for the IEEE ICST 2012 Conference.
She serves as the Software Testing Area Editor for the Elsevier J. Systems and Software and is an Associate Editor of Springer Empirical Sw Eng.
J. and of IEEE Trans. Sw Eng.
She serves regularly in the PCs of the main events in sw engineering and testing, including ISSTA, ICST, ESEC/FSE, ICSE. She has (co)authored
over 90 papers in international journals and conferences.
Modern software applications are increasingly pervasive, dynamic and heterogeneous. Systems of systems emerge from the inter-operation among
independently developed Networked Systems (NSs). However, the fast pace at which technology evolves tends to form gaps among separate technological
islands, and calls for the continuous development of ad hoc bridging solutions to fill those communication gaps.
The European project Connect ( precisely aims at enabling seamless interoperability in spite of technology diversity and evolution. The ambitious goal of the project is to have eternally functioning distributed systems within a dynamically evolving context. This is pursued through the on-the-fly synthesis of the connectors via which heterogeneous NSs can communicate in dependable and secure way.
Indeed, beyond functional compatibility, effective interoperability requires to ensure also that such on-the-fly connected systems provide the required non-functional properties and continue to do so even in presence of evolution. In Connect, we coined the inclusive term "connectability" to
refer altogether to performance, dependability, security and trust related properties of dynamic evolving systems.
Approaches to both off-line and run-time analysis are under development to analyse and ensure connectability. In particular, a lightweight flexible
monitoring infrastructure is the key technological enabler for the continuous on-line assessment of non-functional properties, thus supporting run-time verification and adaptation. In this talk, we overview the Connect objectives and overall strategy, and the challenges of assuring connectability properties in dynamic connected systems. Then we focus on the Connect performance and dependability enabler and its interaction with the developed Glimpse monitor for the continuous runtime refinement of analysis.
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David Marca University of Phoenix U.S.A. |
Brief Bio
David A. Marca is a professor for the University of Phoenix Online School. His six books and 27 papers cover e-Business, business process design, workflow, and software engineering. His latest book with the IEEE is "Open Process Frameworks: Patterns for the Adaptive e-Enterprise". He holds a patent in workflow technology, and is a member of the IEEE. David is also President and founder of OpenProcess, Inc., specializing in strategic planning, systems analysis and design, and e-Business consulting.
Many experts state that: a) specifying "all the small parts of a system" and b) correct expected system usage, can make agile software development more effective. Unified Modeling Methodology (UML) addresses the former, and usability engineering addresses the later. Taken together, they create a systems development framework, capable of: a) specifying functions, data, behavior and usage, b) rapid prototyping, and c) verifying system usability and correctness. All three methods focus on the system, while trying to ascertain context. Correct and complete context requires domain modeling. Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT/IDEF0) is a proven way to model any kind of domain. Its power and rigor come from: a) a synthesis of graphics, natural language, hierarchical decomposition, and relative context coding, b) distinguishing control from transformation, c) function activation rules, and d) heuristics for managing model complexity. This talk will explain how SADT/IDEF0 domain modeling can bring correct and complete context to agile system development, Unified Modeling Language (UML) specifications, and usability engineering.
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Oscar Pastor Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Spain |
Brief Bio
Oscar Pastor is Full Professor and Director of the "Centro de Investigación en Métodos de Producción de Software (PROS)" at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain). He received his Ph.D. in 1992. He was a researcher at HP Labs, Bristol, UK. He has published more than two hundred research papers in conference proceedings, journals and books, received numerous research grants from public institutions and private industry, and been keynote speaker at several conferences and workshops. Chair of the ER Steering Committee, and member of the SC of conferences as CAiSE, ICWE, CIbSE or RCIS, his research activities focus on conceptual modeling, web engineering, requirements engineering, information systems, and model-based software production. He created the object-oriented, formal specification language OASIS and the corresponding software production method OO-METHOD. He led the research and development underlying CARE Technologies that was formed in 1996. CARE Technologies has created an advanced MDA-based Conceptual Model Compiler called OlivaNova, a tool that produces a final software product starting from a conceptual schema that represents system requirements. He is currently leading a multidisciplinary project linking Information Systems and Bioinformatics notions, oriented to designing and implementing tools for Conceptual Modeling-based interpretation of the Human Genome information.
A crucial success factor in information systems development is the alignment of the system with business goals, business semantics and business processes. Developers should be freed from programming concerns and be able to concentrate on these alignment problems. Model-driven system development (MDD) not only provides a structured and systematic approach to systems development, but also offers developers the possibility of using model transformation technologies to derive models of a lower abstraction level that can be further refined, and even generate software code automatically.
This talk will show how to successfully integrate business process modelling (BPM), requirements engineering (RE) and object-oriented conceptual modelling with the objective of leveraging MDD capabilities. The current state of the art on modelling methods and code generation tools will be discussed to explore different ways to match an information system with business requirements. Concrete principles, concepts and common practices of MDD will be presented with a special focus on model-driven requirements engineering, meaning by it how business process models and requirements models can be embedded in a complete MDD process. As a practical application, a specific method and notations are explained, but the ultimate goal is that assistants are able to apply this knowledge to their own contexts, to either industrial practice or academic research.