The First International Workshop on Architectures, Concepts and
Technologies for Service Oriented Computing
July 22, 2007 - Barcelona, Spain
in conjunction with the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2007)
M. van Sinderen
University of Twente,
The Netherlands
Goal and Topics :  

The goal of this workshop is to focus on the fundamental challenges related to SOA, to discuss what architectural/theoretical foundation is needed, and how this foundation can be supported from new or (extensions of) available technologies. The workshop aims at contributing to the dissemination of research results, establishment of a better understanding, and identification of new challenges, by bringing together academic and industrial researchers interested in the future of service-oriented architecture. Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Service Usage Issues
        - service registration, update, de-registration
        - service discovery, matching, selection
        - service invocation, interaction
        - service mediation, orchestration

- Service Design Issues
        - model-driven development, platform-independence
        - service and interoperability concepts
        - ontology-centred design
        - requirements-functionality alignment

- Service Infrastruture Issues
        - architectural patterns
        - service registry management
        - quality-of-service management
        - cross-domain service delivery

- Service Technology Issues
        - specific technology platform solutions
        - language-specific solutions
        - tool support
        - applicability and performance experiences

Workshop Program Committee
C. Atkison (Germany)
B. Bryant (USA)
R. Dijkman (Netherlands)
I. Ivanov (USA)
D. Quartel (Netherlands)
S. Sadiq (Australia)
B. Shishkov (Netherlands)
K. Turner (UK)
D. Karagiannis (Austria)
K. Chao (United Kingdom)
M. Aleksy, (Germany)
C. de Farias (Brazil)

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Page updated on 9/10/09